How Spar Slovenija implemented the project 360° for self-development

Get to know our client:

Client: Spar Slovenija, d.o.o.

Industry: Retail

Spar Slovenia is part of the international Spar retail chain, present in over 45 countries worldwide. The company is built on quality, reliability, and responsibility toward its customers, employees, society, and the natural environment. Their core values, which they implement daily across all business segments, are friendliness, simplicity, and modernity.

Main challenges

Two years ago, the company began defining their values, aiming to identify the behaviors that are important to employees and the values they want to support through HR processes. They involved colleagues from all departments and levels in the values project, as they wanted to hear what is important to them, how they work together, and how they realize and achieve their goals.

During this time, they dedicated a lot of time to discussions about goals and values, and developed a competency model as well as various training models. This year, they also launched the project 360° for self-development, which aimed to empower their leaders. In this process, we at Quantifly supported them with our feedback collection tool, which we tailored to their needs.

The process

In collaboration with Spar's HR department, we first designed the questionnaire. As Monika Teran, Head Of Human Resources at Spar, d.o.o., emphasized, the questionnaire was based on their values and the behaviors that support these values. Since this assessment involved leaders, we added specific questions related to leadership.

Approximately 200 leaders were invited to participate, with the option to decide whether to join or not. During an introductory session, all the leaders were informed about the project's purpose, its process, and the results and information they would gain from it. Nearly all leaders accepted the invitation, demonstrating a strong interest in receiving feedback and pursuing further development. Leaders were asked to select their evaluators, following guidelines to include subordinates, superiors, and other colleagues they work with on at least a weekly basis.

The leaders received two questionnaires: one for self-assessment, where they evaluated themselves, and another to assess other leaders who selected them as evaluators. Meanwhile, the chosen evaluators were provided with a separate questionnaire to assess their respective leaders.

To ensure inclusivity, even employees without company email addresses were able to participate. This was achieved using QR codes shared by the leaders, enabling easy access to the feedback system.

I would recommend Quantifly because they were able to adapt very well to our specific requirements, listened to our needs, and found quick and simple technical solutions to implement all the special features.

Monika Teran, Head Of Human Resources, Spar, d.o.o.


“The response from the leaders was great. Some were even a bit surprised when they saw such high ratings.”

Monika Teran, Head Of Human Resources, Spar, d.o.o.

The results of the analysis were individual reports, which were provided to all leaders who received at least five evaluations from their selected colleagues. It was encouraging that, due to the high response rate, almost all participating leaders received their reports. Additionally, every leader had the opportunity to attend individual coaching sessions, gaining deeper insights into their results, which helped them develop personalized action plans.

“Each participant received direct feedback from the people with whom they shared the anonymous survey. The results were compared with their own self-assessments, the evaluations from the respondents, and the average scores of other participants. Personally, I gained a broader perspective from my colleagues on what bothers them at work, what they want, what they see and value in me, and, most importantly, with this, I received new motivation for further work.”

Leader at Spar, d.o.o.

The company’s management received a report at the company level, which provided them with an overall result on the expression of values and behaviors of all evaluated leaders.

Where do they see the greatest benefits of the 360° project?

Monika Teran states that the benefits of the analysis are primarily seen in two areas. The first is that the leaders in the company received confirmation that they are truly good leaders, that they live the company’s values, and that they serve as role models for their colleagues. This has also given the company additional confirmation that they indeed have strong leaders.

The second benefit is that each participant gained insight into their development opportunities and identified areas where they can further develop. One of the leaders emphasized that what he particularly liked was receiving honest feedback through anonymous questionnaires, which he rarely receives otherwise. The individual coaching sessions, which employees could attend, certainly played a role in this process.

“At the meeting, I received feedback on what my colleagues still want and currently lack. These are simple, quickly implementable things. I would choose to use this service again precisely because of the aspect that colleagues can express what they are missing, which they wouldn’t otherwise say, and because of the feedback on my work with colleagues, how satisfied they are, and if there’s anything to improve or fix.”

Leader at Spar, d.o.o.

Who would you recommend the Quantifly analysis to?

Monika Teran would recommend this analysis to any company where an open feedback culture is present and where the company strives for growth and development. She suggests that the project be implemented from the top down — with leaders setting the example. Later, it is important to offer the opportunity for involvement to other employees who wish to develop as well.

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